The Practical Musicianship Skills Placement Exam will determine placement into Practical Musicianship A, B, C, or D. The course content of Practical Musicianship A, B, C are tonal where D is largely atonal. This exam will include only tonal melodies and chords. It will not include atonal melodies or chords. The exam will be in 2 parts. The first part will be a written dictation exam and the second part will be a 1-on-1 singing exam.
Exam Content: Part 1 - Written dictation portion
- Identify and notate intervals: Intervals up to a major 9th will be played 3 times with a given bass note.
- Identify and notate chords: Triads and seventh chords will be played 3 times with a given bass note. Triads will include major, minor, diminished, and augmented and will be in root position, 1st, or 2nd inversion. Seventh chords will include dominant, major, minor, diminished, and half-diminished, and will only be in root position.
- Transcribe a tonal melody: The melody will be tonal in either major or minor including note values as short as eighth notes and dotted rhythms. Starting note and time signature will be given. Key signature will not be given. You can pause and repeat the track as you like within a given time limit.
- Transcribe a 4-part excerpt complete with Roman numeral analysis and lead-sheet symbols. The starting note will be given. Time signature and key signature will not be given.
Exam Content: Part 2 - Oral singing portion
(If possible, tell the examiner what your range is. Otherwise the examiner will determine it for you.)
- Sing a scale, ascending and descending. (Major, harmonic/natural minor, all other modes except Locrian)
- Sing intervals, ascending and descending. (All intervals up to a major 9th)
- Sing root position triads, ascending. (major, minor, diminished, augmented)
- Sing root position seventh chords, ascending. (dominant, major, minor, diminished, half-diminished)
- Sing the chord tones of a chord with a particular function. Ex: "If this is the I chord (triad will be played), sing a IV chord."
- Sight-read a rhythm. A rhythm will be shown on your screen. with a given pulse of about 60 quarter notes per minute. You will be asked to either clap through it or say a syllable like "tah". You will be given a few seconds to look over it. Once you start, stopping or pausing will result in a lower score.
- Sing a melody. A notated tonal melody with some chromaticism will be shown on your screen. The melody may contain dotted rhythms and note values as short as 16ths. The examiner can provide one note of your choosing only once. You can sing it using a different tonic than written to suit your range. You will be given 1 minute to work through it aloud, pausing, repeating as you like. You will then be asked to sing through it without stopping.