
Jonathan Pinson
Faculty, School of Music
661-253-7733 Ext 7733

Jonathan Pinson began his love affair with the drum set at the age of two when he was surrounded by the music of his mother’s choir. His formal music training began at the age of six with instruction on the piano. Shortly after, Jonathan transitioned to the drum set at the Colburn School... Continue reading »

Luisa Pinzon
Faculty, School of Music

Luisa Pinzon is a Colombian musician and sound engineer with a passion for creative coding and digital art. She holds a Bachelor's degree in Musical Studies with an emphasis in Sound Engineering from Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (2017), where her undergraduate thesis,... Continue reading »

Kathryn Pisaro
Faculty, School of Music
Shared Curriculum

Kathryn Gleasman Pisaro, is active as an oboist and a music historian. As a music historian, she received her Masters and PhD degrees in musicology at Northwestern University, with a dissertation on experimental music in Britain in the 1960s.  She regularly presents papers at national and... Continue reading »

Michael Pisaro-Liu
Faculty, School of Music
Director of Composition and Experimental Music

Michael Pisaro-Liu (born, Michael Pisaro) is a guitarist and composer and a long-time member of the Wandelweiser collective. While, like other members of Wandelweiser, Pisaro-Liu is known for pieces of long duration with periods of silence, in the past fifteen years his work has branched out in... Continue reading »

Houman Pourmehdi
Faculty, School of Music
World Music Performance: Persian Music, World Percussion

Houman Pourmehdi is a master percussionist, well known for his diverse abilities as a musician, composer, and multi-instrumentalist, performing and recording in numerous ensembles and at a variety of venues. He was introduced to Persian music by his father, and received his first Tonbak at the... Continue reading »

Simon Reynolds
Faculty, School of Music
Experimental Pop

Simon Reynolds is the author of eight books about music and popular culture, including Rip It Up and Start Again: Postpunk 1978-84, Energy Flash: A Journey Through Rave Music and Dance Culture, Retromania: Pop Culture’s Addiction to Its Own Past, and most recently a study of... Continue reading »

Emmanuel "Def Sound" Ricketts
Faculty, School of Music
Experimental Pop

Def Sound is an Afro-Caribbean multi-hyphenate artist (parents from Belize & Panama) born and based in South Central LA. Def (mom given name Emmanuel Ricketts) is a non binary (pronouns they/them) Grammy Award considered contemporary hip-hop artist, producer, poet, and award winning... Continue reading »

* Faculty Emeritus
Part-time Faculty