Number of search result: 3

Jonathan (Jack) Dettling
Faculty, School of Music
InstrumentalArts: Piano and Collaborative Keyboard
661-255-1050 x2530

Jack Dettling is a pianist, composer, and multimedia artist. He uses player pianos, traditional instruments, text, video, and a variety of electro-acoustic tools to create concert pieces, video works, and non-linear multimedia environments; he addresses the piano, music-making, tuning-systems,... Continue reading »

Tisha Mabee-Goldstein
Faculty, School of Music
InstrumentalArts: Harpsichord, Piano and Organ

As a gifted solo recitalist and ensemble performer, harpsichordist PATRICIA MABEE has been hailed regularly by audiences and critics for her virtuosity, flawless technique, and outstanding performances. She has been featured frequently as a soloist with the Los Angeles Chamber Orchestra, where... Continue reading »

Vardan Ovsepian
Faculty, School of Music
Jazz Piano

Vardan Ovsepian is an Armenian-born pianist/composer whose studies include Yerevan State Conservatory, Estonian Music Academy, Helsinki Jazz Conservatory, and Berklee College of Music.  From the early years Vardan was fascinated by the blend of western classical music with jazz, and has... Continue reading »

* Faculty Emeritus
Part-time Faculty