
Thomas Leeb

Thomas Leeb

Thomas Leeb, BFA CalArts 2003

David Gilmour (Pink Floyd): “Jolly good.”
Guthrie Govan: “what Thomas does on an acoustic guitar probably shouldn’t be legal”
Jon Gomm awarded Thomas “10/10 Gomms”

Leeb is a frequent performer at concerts and festivals in Asia, the Americas, Europe and Africa and has been featured in guitar magazines all over the world. Every year, he teaches workshops and master classes all over the place and his album “Desert Pirate” was voted an 'essential album' by Acoustic Guitar Magazine in 2007.

His peculiar guitar style owes as much to percussive techniques as traditional Fingerstyle guitar. What sets Thomas Leeb apart from some of his contemporaries is his ability to make pyrotechnics serve the music. His time at CalArts studying West African traditional music give him a sense of timing and groove that is unusual in a guitarist.